About VRAI
It is a major trend. Guests are learning they can stay in a cabin, condo, home or villa for less than a cramped hotel room. Vacation Rental occupancy is going up fast, while hotel stays are down.
Property Owners enjoy having their cake and eating it too. They can stay when they want or earn money when they don't. And many are discovering the sheer joy of sharing the mountain, lake or beach home they love.
Being hospitable has long been admired in many cultures but sometimes abandoned in the hustle and bustle of today's busy world.
The VRAI organization is a group of Owners helping Owners. Our work is based on a Code of Ethics and tools and support for Owners and Guests alike. We offer a wide variety of tools and assistance for Owners. Those include property inspections, owner certification, property insurance as well as news, information, documents and other tools.
Guests can view our list of inspected homes from certified owners and manager at www.VacationRentalCentral.com. What a wonderful way to know what they are renting, before they rent it. The best surprise, is no surprise.
Suppliers too can join our group and help support this rapidly growing industry by offering goods, services and special buying programs.
VRAI fills a very important role in the Vacation Rental Industry. It sets standards, establishes professionalism and improves the market. That is good for guests and owners and suppliers.
VRAI is a not-for-profit organization, formed under the laws of the United States of America EIN # 45-5024532; and State of Washington USA, State UBI License # 602-923493.